Monday, June 13, 2011

Movie Monday: Parasite

Sorry so late in posting this!

Parasite is a Sci-fi/horror film that was made in 1982. It's a movie filled with inexplicable lasers, breasts, and facebursting, but more on that later. The basic plot revolves around a dystopian future where a monstrous parasite has been created by a brilliant scientist (our protagonist) by the name of Paul Dean.

No Relation?

So anyway, Paul  created this parasite for controlling the population. But gee whiz, turns out a flesh eating monster parasite is actually an abomination against science and nature and everything else. WHO KNEW?! Well, the parasite gets unleashed and of course starts infecting people and bursting out of their bodies in horrifically gruesome fashion. Paul Dean manages to meet up with a young Demi Moore in her very first movie role.

The Pre-Ashton Years

So anyway, the movie just kind of goes... and goes...until suddenly it's over and you're left wondering...did I just watch a movie? I mean Parasite has stuff going for it and it's a pretty neat movie but all in all it's nothing more than MST3K quality schlock.  Weak acting and a lack of action killed this movie for me. I mean this movie has a lot of potential but most of it is wasted on stupid dialogue and shots of the protagonist doubled over in pain. 

Before I give you the final score: here's one of the few redeeming scenes of the movie:

Final Score:

2 out of 5 Facebursters

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