Friday, June 17, 2011

Film Friday: Antichrist (EXTREMELY NSFW)

Before we proceed, I'm just going to warn you, this is going to be extremely NSFW.  Get out while you can.

Moving right along. I've seen some allegedly disturbing films in my day. The Saw flicks, Serbian Film, Irreversible, I Spit on Your Grave, I mean the list quite frankly goes on and on even without me venturing into the ever delightful world of Asian cinema.
The ever elegant Snail Whore

But, many of these films are different from today's film in one particular way. They don't make you work for it.     Serbian Film  just sort of dishes out gratuitous absurdity and then tries to pass it off as social commentary.  Irreversible comes close but is nowhere near the level of disturbing that Antichrist reaches.  The Saw films are just mindless bloodfests.

Antichrist is different.  It opens with some tasteful full on penetration sex in black and white with some classical music playing in the background. Who cares if it's a porn star standing in for Willem Dafoe? I'm still going to think he's packing. Anyway, tragedy strikes and their child dies as the Green Goblin and his wife get intimate with each other.

She falls into a depression, he tries to treat her, they go on a retreat, yadda yadda yadda. They end up going on a retreat to this cabin in the woods where Mrs. Green Goblin wrote her thesis on the slaughter of women who were accused of being evil.

So as to be expected, weird crap starts happening. Mr. Dafoe comes across a self-disembowling fox which very matter of factly tells him that "Chaos Reigns"

The Lylat System be damned!
 Well after his encounter with the Fantastic Mr. Fox,  Mr. Dafoe's day just continues into a downward spiral of weirdness and misery. He encounters a doe giving birth to a dead fawn and a really aggressive crow.  But perhaps most disturbing is the fact that Mrs. Green Goblin, his own dear wife has gone absolutely bezonkers and decided to attack and torture him. I'll spare you most of the grisly details but I'll summarize with this: BLOOD-CUM. So yeah there's that.

I'm not going to spoil the ending for you but needless to say this movie is like a beautifully disturbing advent calendar, with just a little bit being revealed piece by piece as you go along.  It's a great movie and although tough to watch if you're not used to this kind of thing, it's one that can certainly be appreciated.

I give it 4 out of 5 Blood-cums

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