Monday, August 1, 2011

Movie Monday: Spawn of the Slithis

Greetings readers, let's chat. I hope you appreciate some of the garbage that I watch for you. Because sometimes I watch movies that I really enjoy, and that's alright I don't mind it one bit. But then there are times when I have to endure pieces of cinematic blasphemy like Spawn of the Slithis. I don't know if this movie is a joke or just the all around worst movie I've ever seen. It's so bad I might actually go back and give Q: The Winged Serpent an extra serpent shit  to bump it up to a 2 out of 5. 
Sorry, pal.

The plot of this kidney stone of a movie is as follows: some radioactive mud is created and is called "Slithis" and it evolves into a monster and starts eating dogs and people. A high school journalism teacher (our hero) runs a a vigilante investigation and take-down of the monster, because you know why educate youth when you could be out hunting cryptids?

Forever alone, indeed.

Here's the list of problems I have with this movie: 

  1. The monster
    1. disappears about halfway through the movie and is just MIA while we have to endure boring crap like turtle races and homeless people talking to news anchors.
    2. is very corpulent
    3. when it "eats" it makes the same noises I make when I eat crawfish (lots of sucking)
  2. The protagonist
    1. seriously, he's a high school journalism teacher...I'm not going to root for him.
    2. The guy's a dick
    3. He has no charisma
  3. The Jamaican "sidekick"
    1. the line "Yes, let's shake hands like you white people"
  4. The police lieutenant 
    1. dude, seriously you're acting in a really bad B movie, not the Globe's production of "King Lear" stop with the dramatics....

I'm giving this abomination 1 out of 5 cool turtles

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