Friday, September 23, 2011

Film Friday: Hardware

Sorry about the unannounced hiatus from the blog. I've just been very busy lately and between work, parties, and personal life, I haven't had much time for anything else.

Enough apologies, back to business.

Hardware is a film from 1990 that is unremarkable in the sense that it is yet another post-apocalyptic science fiction film.  HOWEVER, it is remarkable in that it is one of the most beautiful, creative, and unique films I have ever seen. Imagine a very artistically sound cyberpunk version of Tank Girl meets Virus. 
Set in a dystopic future where the government has banned all forms of procreation and nuclear fallout is prevalent, the film tells the story of soldier Moses who has purchased scrap robot parts from a nomadic wanderer as a gift for his girlfriend. Moses' girlfriend proceeds to weld the head of the robot to a large metallic sculpture that she has been working on and then they have a lot of hot steamy sex while the neighbor across the way watches. 

The movie gets interesting when it turns out the robot is really an unstoppable government killing machine known as the M.A.R.K. 13, named after the bible verse that states "no flesh shall be spared".   It can repair itself, it can adapt, it can kill you in about a million different ways. Needless to say, this thing kills the crap out of people after it repairs itself with the metal sculpture that it was welded to.

This movie is great. It's beautifully shot, has amazing cameos from Lemmy and Iggy Pop, a great soundtrack, and decent acting. I'm not sure why this movie managed to stay so far under the radar but it has and that's a damn shame.

4 out of 5 mushroom clouds

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